Saturday, August 4, 2018

DAY 7 - Southerngals5x7


I can't believe its the last day of the challenge!!

What an amazing adventure this has been!!!!  A big shout out and thank you to Tiffany over at @sougherngals_designs on Instagram for coming up with such a fun challenge!!

Well, today tripped me up just a bit!!  I got a bit overambitious and decided to use water spray on my page, to get some flow and dripage on acrylic paint!  Hmmm, I will not lie, I panicked, and paused the timer to try and dry the page a bit.  Then felt guilty for cheating and started the timer up again.  LOLs!!

It all came together at the end and although Day7 ended up using a bit of overtime.

As with all previous days in the challenge, the process video is on YouTube.  Click HERE for a direct link.

If you are joining in the challenge, or want to check out what other creatives have done in a super speedy 5 minutes, check out #southerngals5x7 on instagram.  To follow the challenge creator, Tiffany, she can be found on Instagram as @southerngals_designs.  She is truly inspirational and not to mention totally fun to listen to when watching her process videos!

I used the digital faces images created by the very talented Lili Wee.  You can follow her on Instagram @weelili_art.  The images are available to purchase through The Lilypad.  
Click HERE for a link to the site.

Until next time!

Keep creating!


Friday, August 3, 2018

DAY 6 - Sougherngals5x7

Hello creative earthlings!!

Day 6!!  Woohoo!

I have had so much fun with this challenge and am really sad that it is almost over.  Just one more day left!!

As with all previous days in the challenge, the process video is on YouTube.  Click HERE for a direct link.  I managed to get my head into the camera a few times, so as a special treat, you get to see my roots up close.....REALLY close!!! :)

If you are joining in the challenge, or want to check out what other creatives have done in a super speedy 5 minutes, check out #southerngals5x7 on instagram.  To follow the challenge creator, Tiffany, she can be found on Instagram as @southerngals_designs.  She is truly inspirational and not to mention totally fun to listen to when watching her process videos!

I used the digital faces images created by the very talented Lili Wee.  You can follow her on Instagram @weelili_art.  The images are available to purchase through The Lilypad.  
Click HERE for a link to the site.

Until tomorrow for the GRAND FINALE day of this challenge!!



Thursday, August 2, 2018

DAY 5 - Southerngals5x7

Greetings creative earthlings!!

Day 5!!

I can see a bit of repetition going on, the same MO repeatedly.

At first I felt that I was perhaps not stretching myself adequately, and falling back on a tried and tested method for when I create.  After some reflection, I realised that isn't this the case with most things in life.

When working with limited time and limited supplies, why buck the system, stick with what you know works, and with what you love.

I love the way the paint applied with a palette knife has a certain unpredictability to it.  I love that the first layer of gesso applied breaks the page and starts an energy on the page.  I love the marks made by the graphite stick.  Hey, if I love it, then it's all good!

For a full list of supplies used in this project, please click HERE to read my first post.

I have a process video on YouTube, click HERE or search Josocrafty.

I used the digital faces images created by the very talented Lili Wee.  You can follow her on Instagram @weelili_art.  The images are available to purchase through The Lilypad.  
Click HERE for a link to the site.

See you tomorrow for Day 6.


Wednesday, August 1, 2018

DAY 4 - Southerngals5x7

Hello speedy artists!!

Day 4!! Half way there!!  Well done for sticking in there!!

I have learnt that 5 minutes is either a long time, or not long at all!!  As I am watching the timer go down, I am sometimes surprised that only a minute and a half has passed, and sometimes I'm like"YIKES!!!! 3 minutes gone!!!"

As a result of this weird time warp situation, sometimes the results of a 5 minute page are less than fantastic, but the most important thing is that I have taken at least 5 minutes during the day to get some paints and marks down on paper, without the burden of thinking too much.

The freedom is liberating, and although I don't really struggle with perfectionism or inability just to let go and play in my art journal, I am learning that letting the media just speak to me is gratifying!!

I can't believe there are only 3 days left in this challenge!!

If you would like to see the full list of supplies I am using for this challenge, please click HERE to be directed to my first post on this challenge.

I have filmed my process, if you would like to watch, please search Josocrafty on YouTube, or click HERE for a direct link!

See you tomorrow for DAY 5!!  Wahoo!
